in English

Football fans stuck in knee-deep mud


Wtorek nocy 3-godzinna burza flashflood okazała się całkiem klęska na vs UK Polska mecz na Stadionie Narodowym Warszawa jest dla tysięcy fanów z całego kraju, ...

Proposal for passenger railways in Woivodship Lubelskie

Proposal of train network in the area, (c) copyright information is provided on the map. The region of southern Lubelskie, called Zamojszczyzna, is the poorer ...

Competition in network industries: case of public transport

Adam Fularz The problem of many developing countries, such as CEEC countries transforming their economies away from central plannig is the decline of public transport ...

Against the terrestiasl television market closure

Dear economists, let us stop supporting the terrestial media market closure! In Polish media market there is a ologopoly on the terrestial private TV market. ...

Apel o przysłanie misji sprawdzającej poprawność danych GUS

Warsaw, 18-11-2011To The Eurostat Instytut Ekonomiczny Appeal: Fact- finding Eurostat mission should be organised to visit Polish Governmental Central Statistical Office Opening quotes: „I almost ...